Book an appointment

Terminbuchung, © colourbox.de
For all appointments please use our online appointment booking system:
Appointment system
You have to book an appointment online for all consulate and visa services. The Embassy always tries to consider all appointment requests. However, the Embassy is bound by the available personnel and infrastructure resources.
If no appointment is available in the appointment system, all slots are fully booked. Therefore, the Embassy would like to ask you to refrain from making inquiries in this matter.
Schengen Visa applications can only be handed in at the German Visa Application Centre, which is operated by VFS Global, 79 Anson Road #15-01, Singapore 079906.
An additional service fee is being charged. An appointment is required for the submission of the application. To book your appointment please check the website of VFS.
Important information for students: From 01. February 2021 applications for all kind of student visa also need to be handed in at the German Visa Application Centre of VFS.