
Ambassador Dr. Norbert Riedel

Dr Norbert Riedel

Dr Norbert Riedel, © German Embassy Singapore


Curriculum vitae

Ambassador Dr Norbert Riedel was born in Stuttgart in 1960. He is married and has 2 Children.

Since October 2020
Ambassador to Singapore
2017 - 20
Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein
2015 - 17

Ambassador, Director for Asia and the Pacific, Federal Foreign Office

2014 - 15
Ambassador, Commissioner for International Cyber Policy, Federal Foreign Office
2010 - 14
German Embassy Beijing, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission (06-09/2013: Chargé d’Affaires a.i.)
2009 - 10
Deputy Director-General responsible for Personnel,
Federal Foreign Office
2007 - 09
Head of the Personnel Division, Federal Foreign Office
2005 - 07
Head of the Visa Policy Division, Federal Foreign Office
2002 - 05
Head of the European Policy Division, Federal Chancellery
1999 - 02
German Embassy in Lisbon/Portugal
1996 - 99
European DirectorateGeneral, Federal Foreign Office
1993 - 96
German Embassy in Sofia/Bulgaria
1992 - 93
Economic Affairs Directorate-General, Federal Foreign Office
Federal Foreign Office
Since 2005
Honorary Professor at the University of Wurzburg
Second state law examination
Doctorate in law from the University of Wurzburg
1988 - 91
Research Assistant, Institute for Public International Law, European Law and International Economic Law, University of Wurzburg
1982 -88
Studied law in Wurzburg and Caen/France
1981 - 82
German Air Rescue, Stuttgart
1979 - 81

Commerzbank AG, Stuttgart

Selected articles and speeches

Articles and speeches
Ansprache anlässlich des Gala-Abends “50 Jahre Deutsche Europäische Schule Singapur”/ Greeting on the occasion of the gala-night “50 years of German European School Singapore, 18 June 2022
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Article in The Straits Times entitled ”We stand in solidarity with Ukraine“, 25 February 2022 (together with Marc Abensour and Magdalena Bogdziewicz)
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Article in The Straits Times entitled ”Cultural VTL just as vital in reconnecting the world“, 11 January 2022 (together with Michael Tay)

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Greeting message by Ambassador Dr. Norbert Riedel on the occasion of the visit of frigate ”Bayern“ to Singapore, 21 December 2021
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Article in The Straits Times entitled ”German frigate’s port call is a sign of solidarity with Singapore and Germany’s continued commitment to the Indo-Pacific Region“, 20 December 2021
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Speech at the Opening Ceremony of ”Industrial Transformation Asia-Pacific (ITAP)“, 1 Hall@Singapore Expo, 22 November 2021
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Commentary in The Business Times on ”EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy stands ready to deepen EU-Asean ties“ together with Marc Abensour and Margriet Vonno, 15 October 2021
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Article in The Business Times entitled ”Working together towards carbon-neutral societies“, 29 June 2021
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Article in The Straits Times entitled ”'Vaccine multilaterism' is key in the pandemic battle“, 9 April 2021
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Opening remarks at the KAS-Forum”‚Digital Sovereignty - Laws and Policies to govern Digital Media and Social Media in Asi’, 17 March 2021
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Keynote speech at “Meet the Chamber” on “Opportunities and Challenges in the Centre of the Indo-Pacific”, 18 February 2021
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Opening speech at the Panel Discussion “Universal and Educational Lessons from the Holocaust”, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 27 January 2021
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Article in The Straits Times entitled “The Holocaust - never again must mankind stumble this way”, 27 January 2021
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Article in The Straits Times entitled “Why Germany is opening new chapter in its ties with the Indo-Pacific”, 19 September 2020
Why Germany is opening new chapter in its ties with the Indo-Pacific

Address on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, 26 March 2024

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Welcome Address at the Lufthansa Cargo Sustainability Conference, 2 July 2024

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