
Indo-Pacific Deployment 2024 (IPD24) - Port Call in Singapore

12.09.2024 - Press release

From June to November 2024, the German Navy frigate FGS Baden-Württemberg and combat supply ship FGS Frankfurt am Main are navigating the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This year's Indo-Pacific Deployment is the most complex operation the German Navy has ever undertaken, underscoring Germany's commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

The vessels are scheduled to make a port call in Singapore from 2 to 14 October 2024. Singapore is a key security partner for Germany in Southeast Asia. Both countries are strong advocates of a rules-based international order. Numerous joint military exercises and regular high-level exchanges between the armed forces of both nations characterize the bilateral military cooperation.

On October 1, the Task Group will conduct a full-day bilateral exercise - a so-called PASSEX - at sea with the Republic of Singapore Navy.

The Indo-Pacific Deployment in Southeast-Asia

After having participated in RIMPAC exercise, the U.S.-Japan-led invite-exercise NOBLE RAVEN and monitoring sanctions against North Korea, the two FGS continue their deployment with joint exercises with security partners in Southeast Asia and India.

This renewed deployment of a maritime task force aligns itself with a series of deployments which the German Federal Government has strived to establish since adopting Policy Guidelines for the Indo-Pacific in 2020. German frigate “Bayern” had visited Singapore during the first Indo-Pacific Deployment in 2021.

Germany is committed to maintaining the rules-based international order and freedom of navigation in this region. The recognition of dispute settlement mechanisms under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is of particular importance. To fully harness the benefits of increasing economic interdependence, Germany holds a vital interest in maintaining free trade routes and maritime security.

Germany is therefore enhancing security and defence relations with valued and new partners in the region by stepping up German participation in military exercises, and by strengthening defence industrial cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. In doing so, the Germany is pursuing an inclusive approach to regional security, committed to maintaining and fostering dialogues while avoiding bloc formations.

Germany's engagement in the Indo-Pacific is both a national contribution and part of the EU’s broader security involvement in close coordination with European partners. Alongside France, Germany is participating in the EU's coordinated maritime presence in the northwestern Indian Ocean. Additionally, the German Air Force collaborates with the air forces of France and Spain, among others, on initiatives in the Indo-Pacific region.

Programme in Singapore

During the port call in Singapore, an in-depth exchange with the SAF is planned for the crew and the Navy Music Corps, in addition to replenishment operations.

The visit coincides with the Day of German Unity, on the occasion of which a reception for invited guests will take place aboard FGS Baden-Württemberg.

The Navy Music Corps has planned concerts and musical engagements with the SAF Central Band.

Joint concerts of the German Navy Music Corps and the SAF Central Band:

5 October 2024 7pm, YST Concert Hall

6 October 2024 7pm, DBS Foundation Esplanade Outdoor Theatre

Media Opportunities

We warmly invite media to make ample use of opportunities for coverage in Singapore. Please indicate your interest if you wish to join the following press events:

  • Guided Tour of the frigate FGS Baden-Württemberg with opportunities for interviews and photography
  • Changi Naval Base/ 2 October 2024
  • Media talk with Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, Chief of German Navy
  • Media talk with the Commander German Task Force Rear Admiral Axel Schulz and/or Ambassador Dr Bettina Fanghänel

All media opportunities subject to final confirmation. To indicate your interest and for all other media inquiries regarding the Indo-Pacific Deployment, please contact the press section of the German Embassy Singapore via the website contact form.

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