Studying in Germany

Studying in Germany, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, © Colourbox
Germany is an increasingly attractive place in which to study, offering international degrees such as Bachelor and Master degrees, courses taught in English and a system which enables credits for attendance and examination passes to be accumulated and transferred.
Information on studying in Germany
You would like to study in Germany but you are not yet sure which university to apply to? You are interested in doing a PhD and are looking for an appropriate programme? Are you wondering how to finance your stay, or how foreign students live in Germany and how they’re supervised? Contact the Daad Information Point Singapore for help!
DAAD Information Point Singapore
136 Neil Road (Entrance on Bukit Pasoh Road)
088865 Singapore
Telephone: +65 - 6223 4226
E-Mail: infodaad-singapore.org
Online sources:
STUDY-IN.DE offers a wealth of information and hand-on advice on studying, research and education and life in Germany. You can also access a database listing all English-language taught Bachelor, master and Phd programmes at this website.
HOCHSCHULKOMPASS offers information and links to all universities, degree programmes and international university cooperation.
Living and studying in Germany
Living and studying in Germany is fun. Find some tips on how to make your experience enjoyable. And you are not the only one from Singapore. Get in touch with the Singapore Students' Association of Germany (SSAG).
Living in Germany - Tips for Students
There are numerous ways to obtain a scholarship for study in Germany. The DAAD has compiled a database with the most important information for you here:
Funding guide