Registration of a marriage

Marriage, © colourbox
Marriage registration in Singapore
In Singapore the Registry of Marriages and the Registry of Muslim Marriages are responsible for marriages. Please contact them directly if you have questions concerning marriage in Singapore:
If you need German documents for marrying in Singapore, please contact the responsible marriage registry at your place of birth in Germany (e.g. for birth certificates) or at your last place of residence (e.g. for Ehefähigkeitszeugnis).
To apply for an Ehefähigkeitszeugnis please refer to the information provided on our German website: Eheschließung
Marriage registration in Germany
General information
There is no legal obligation to register the marriage abroad of a German national in Germany, nor to request a German marriage certificate. However in certain cases it is recommended to apply for a marriage registry or a German marriage certificate - for example, if you intend to live with your foreign spouse in Germany in the foreseeable future.
If you want to take on the name of your spouse, a name declaration according to German law will be necessary, e.g. when applying for a new passport. It is possible to make this name declaration when registering your marriage in Germany. Then you may also obtain a German marriage certificate which indicates your new name.
More Information can be found on this website (in German only).
Which registrar’s office is responsible?
The registrar’s office responsible for foreign marriages is the registrar’s office in the place where the applicant has his/her residence in Germany.
If none of the spouses has a residence in Germany, the primary registrar's office in Berlin (Standesamt I in Berlin) is responsible for recording the birth and issuing a birth certificate.
1) No residency in Germany: If you are not registered in Germany the Standesamt I in Berlin is responsible for registering your marriage.
If you live permanently in Singapore, you can register your marriage at the German Embassy in Singapore and request a German marriage certificate.
2) With residency in Germany: If you are still registered as living in Germany, you can also register your marriage with the local registrar’s office personally or you can apply via the German Embassy in Singapore.
If you want to register your marriage via the German Embassy, both of the spouses have to come personally to the Embassy at the same time.
Which documents have to be submitted?
Please bring the following documents:
1. Fully completed and signed application form (see right side)
2. Legalised marriage certificate (original and two copies)
3. Passports of both spouses (original and two copies each)
4. Residence permit for Singapore of both spouses (original and two copies each)
5. Birth Certificates of both spouses (original and two copies each)
6. if applicable: proof of dissolution of any previous marriage of both spouses (e.g. decree of divorce or death certificate of spouse) - original and two copies each
In individual cases, further documents may be required.
In principle all foreign documents have to be submitted with a legalisation.
1) No residency in Germany: Documents written in any language then German or English must be submitted with translations into German.
2) With residency in Germany: All foreign certificates have to be submitted with a translation into German. Please also read the following information:
Legalisation of foreign documents
The fees for registering a marriage and conducting the associated formalities amount to approximately 60 to 80 EUR, depending on where in Germany the registrar’s office is located. The fees for registering the marriage must be transferred directly to the account of the registrar’s office. You will receive an email with detailed information.
At the German Embassy, the following additional fees apply:
Fee for certification of photocopies: 10 EUR
Fee for certification of signatures: 25 EUR
The fees have to be paid when submitting the application. The fees will be converted into SGD according to the current exchange rate of the Embassy. You may pay in cash or with credit card (Visa, Master). If you pay with credit card, the transaction will be processed in EUR. Further bank fees may apply.
Processing time
It can take up to several months to process the registration of marriage. The German Embassy in Singapore has no influence on the registration process and cannot provide any information as to the current status of any application.