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List of translators and lawyers

Symbol of justice

Lawyers, © colourbox.de



If you need a translation for a Singaporean or German document, please refer to one of the acknowledged translators. After the translator has translated your document, the German Embassy needs to certify the translator’s signature. The certification is done on the spot during office hours. Please note there are no officially appointed or sworn translators in Singapore.

List with translators


All local lawyers are affiliated to the Law Society of Singapore. Unlike in Britain and the UK, there is no separation of barristers and solicitors. The Lawyers act as both litigators and consultants. The (former) separation of functions is reflected in the still widely used double term advocate and solicitor. German lawyers cannot appear in court and principally cannot advice about Singaporean law. An exception is arbitration in Singapore.

List of lawyers: Liste mit Rechtsanwaltskanzleien

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